Medical and Surgical Center

The Medical and Surgical Center is the largest medical center in Andorra located in the health center of the country.

With more than 24 specialist doctors, covering 20 different medical specialties.

We understand that our priority is to provide multidisciplinary and personalized care to our patients.

Medical specialties

Surgical area

The surgical area of ​​the Medical and Surgical Center called UPSI (Unity of Procedures Without Admission), has 2 operating theaters, post-surgical resuscitation unit, sterilization service, pathological anatomy service and clinical laboratory.

Our medical team

At the Medical and Surgical Center, we have a large team of specialized professionals to provide multidisciplinary care to our patients. They will help you find the best solution through a personalized study.

Dr. Pere Jordi Galais
General and digestive surgeon.
Dr. Maria Colome
Dr. Julià Álvarez Puig
Gynecology, Obstetrics and Fertility
Dr. Vincent Marot Cordesse
Specialized in sports traumatology
Dr. Montserrat Puig Montes
Digestive system
Dr. Gerardo Vizmanos


Opening hours
to the public

Monday to Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 20 p.m

Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 15 p.m

Salv Nursing Center

Treatments - Analytical - Sample Collection - Intolerance Tests - Preoperative

Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. without prior appointment

Analyzes carried out by Laboratorio ÁLVAREZ